Friday, September 22, 2006

DAY 19 - Not Much Progess

I have set aside 50 days to write a rough draft of my PhD. Unfortunately this attempt only really lasted a week before it petered out, and even in the first week I confined myself pretty much to reading and a bit of work trying to prepare drawings of hands. I did not really do any writing or analysis. I did however do some reading although the sum total of this would probably only be about 150 pages.

I feel that my aim of writing the the whole draft in this 50 days is too much and maybe Xmas is more realistic.

Juliette, my work colleague, said that I should just do a little each day but be consistent, especially when things are busy at work. I know this is the best advice on such issues, because a little bit every day eventually gets you there. Anyway all is not lost because I still have 31 days left, a whole month, so I will try to get back onto the conveyer belt. In the next weekI should really focus more on writing and analysis rather than reading perhaps. Well let's see how it goes.

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