Thursday, October 25, 2007

Neat handwriting = Poor Literacy?

Cognitive Overload and Automation

Something to ponder. In an interesting report based on research at Warwick University they suggested that too much focus on neatness and correct formation of letter forms got in the way of developing literacy skills since mental effort was directed toward the forming of the letters rather than writing itself and its creative process. By abandoning worry about forming the letters automation of writing could come about more quickly freeing up the mind for higher level creative processes. This reminds me too of advice on speed writing where the ‘internal editor’ with its attention to grammar, spelling and structure is temporarily turned off to allow creative thoughts and ideas to flow. The argument is that this reduces congnitive load. The area of automation through practice and examples is also an important part of my PhD work.

1 comment:

KateGladstone said...

For more on the problems that go along with striving for "perfect cursive handwriting," watch the video at